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February 12, 2007

Spanish words that end in z

Spanish words that end in z are usually nouns or adjectives.

For Spanish nouns that end in z, the "z" will turn into a "c" and followed by "es" in plural forms. For example:
la vez - las veces     (many times)
la voz - las voces    (a lot of voices)
el lápiz - los lápices    (many pencils)
el avestruz - los avestruces  (many ostriches)

Remember Spanish adjectives also have plural forms. The same plural form rule applies for Spanish adjectives that end in z: the "z" will turn into a "c" and followed by "es" in plural forms. For example:
feliz - felices  (happy)
capaz - capaces (capable)
perspicaz - perspicaces (perspicacious)
precoz - precoces (precocious)

Two comprehensive lists of Spanish words that end in z are given below:
Spanish adjectives that end in z
Spanish nouns that end in z

Spanish adjectives that end in z

atrozatrocious; appalling; tremendous; enormous; huge
audazdaring; audacious; bold; impudent; cheeky
capazcapable; able; competent; having room or capacity; capacious; roomy; capable
eficazefficient; efficacious; effective; effectual
falazfalse; deceitful; deceptive; fallacious
felizhappy; fortunate; good; felicitous
ferozferocious; fierce; ravenous
fugazbrief; fleeting; fugacious; fugitive; transitory; estrella fugaz: shooting star
incapazincapable; unable; unfit
ineficazineffective; inefficient; ineffectual
infelizunhappy; unfortunate; wretched; wretch; simple; naive; good-natured
locuaztalkative; loquacious; garrulous
montarazof the woods; wild; untamed; uncouth; rude; forester
mordazcaustic; biting; sharp; acerbic; pungent; acrid; corrosive
perspicazperceptive; keen-sighted; perspicacious
pertinazstubborn; persistent; pertinacious
precozprecocious; early
procazimpudent; brazen; obscene
sagazastute; shrewd; sagacious; keen-scented
soezobscene; rude; coarse; base; vile
suspicazsuspicious; distrustful
tenaztenacious; determined; stubborn; hard to remove; persistent; difficult to get rid of; adhesive; tough
velozfast; quick; swift; fleet; rapid
veraztruthful; veracious
vivazvivacious; lively; sharp; active; vigorous; keen; quick-witted; long-lived
vorazvoracious; greedy; ravenous; destructive; fierce

Spanish nouns that end in z

acidezsharpness; acidity; heartburn
albornozbathrobe; burnoose
alcatrazgannet; cuckoopint; white pelican
altavozloudspeaker; speaker
altivezhaughtiness; arrogance; pride
altramuzlupin; lupine
antifazmask; veil covering the face
aprendiztrainee; apprentice
avidezeagerness; avidity; greed
barnizvarnish; glaze; veneer; smattering
cálizchalice; calyx; cup of sorrow
candideznaturalness; simplicity; whiteness; naïvety
capatazforeman; overseer; steward
carizaspect; look
cervizcervix; neck; nape of the neck
chochezsenility; dotage
cicatrizscar; cicatrice
cozkick from a beast; recoil; butt
cruzcross; burden; tails; withers; dagger; crown
dejadezcarelessness; negligence; laziness; slovenliness; neglect
desfachateznerve; cheek; impudence; brazenness; effrontery
deslizslip; blunder; false step; frailty; indiscretion; sliding; slipping
desnudeznakedness; nudity; bareness
disfrazdisguise; fancy dress; costume; dissimulation; dissembling
doblezfold; crease; ply; cuff; duplicity; deceitfulness
embriaguezintoxication; drunkenness; inebriation
escasezshortage; scarcity; dearth; shortness; stinginess; want; poverty
esplendidezmagnificence; splendour; generosity; lavishness
esquivezdisdain; coldness; gruffness; shyness
estrecheznarrowness; hardship; tightness; strictness; pressure; closeness; intimacy; jam; predicament; penury; poverty
estupidezstupidity; stupid thing
exquisitezexquisiteness; delicacy; excellence
fazface; visage; aspect; obverse
flaccidezflaccidity; flabbiness
fluidezfluidity; fluency; fluidness; flowingness
hazbundle; sheaf; faggot; gavel; beam; pencil; fascicle; face; visage; hacer
hezsediment; dregs; scum
honradezhonesty; probity; integrity; uprightness
hozsickle; gorge; ravine
insensatezfoolishness; stupidity; folly
invalidezdisability; invalidity
juezjudge; justice; official; juez de línea: linesman
languidezlistlessness; disinterest; languor; languidness
lápizpencil; crayon; lápiz de labios: lipstick; lápiz de labios: lipstick
liquidezliquidity; liquidness
lombrizearthworm; lombriz intestinal: roundworm
luzlight; span; luces de cruce: dimmer; dipped headlights
madurezmaturity; ripeness; adulthood; wisdom; prudence
maízmaize; corn; maíz dulce: sweetcorn
matizshade; tint; nuance; hue
matrazflask; matrass
matrizwomb; mould; mold; matrix; stub; counterfoil; stencil; first; main; chief; mother
memezstupid act or remark; silliness; stupidity
meretrizharlot; strumpet
motrizmotor; engine; dynamic force; driving
nariznose; nostril; bouquet; nose-shaped catch for a latch
niñezchildhood; infancy
nitidezclearness; sharpness; neatness; clarity; lack of ambiguity
nuezwalnut; nut; Adam's apple; nuez moscada: nutmeg
ñoñezinsipidness; spinelessness; shyness; bashfulness; fussiness; senility; dotage; inanity; stupid thing; endearment; flattery; whining
ordinariezvulgarity; grossness; coarseness; ordinariness; inferior quality; rude remark
palidezpallor; paleness; wanness
paloduzliquorice; licorice
peladezpoverty; vulgarity; rude word; obscenity
pequeñezsmallness; littleness; childhood; pettiness; meanness; trifle; triviality
perdizpartridge; perdiz blanca: ptamirgan
pesadezheaviness; burdensomeness; tiresomeness; irksomeness; drowsiness; sultriness; slowness; clumsiness; gravity; fullness; bore; pain
pezfish; pitch; tar; pez de colores: goldfish; pez gordo: big shot
placidezplacidness; placidity
pómezpiedra pómez: pumice stone
portavozmegaphone; mouthpiece; spokesman
precozprecocious; early
preñezpregnancy; fullness
raízroot; stem
rapidezspeed; rapidity; quickness; swiftness
regalizliquorice; licorice
ridiculezridiculousness; oddity; eccentricity; pittance; trifle
rigidezrigidity; intolerance
rodríguezgrass widower
rojezredness; reddishness; ruddiness
sandezstupidity; silliness; inanity; foolish or stupid act or remark; piece of nonsense
secuazminion; henchman; follower
sencillezsimplicity; easiness; plainness; unpretentiousness; naturalness
sensatezgood sense; sense; wisdom
solazform of entertainment; form of relaxation; solace; comfort; relief; recreation
solidezsolidity; firmness; strength; soundness; fastness
sordidezsqualor; dirtiness; squalidity; sordidness
tamizsieve; bolter
tartamudezstammer; stutter
tezskin; complexion
timidezshyness; timidness; timorousness
tiranteztightness; tautness; tenseness; tension; strained condition
tozudezstubbornness; obstinacy
trasluzlight seen through a translucent body; gleam; glint; al trasluz: against the light
TúnezTunisia; Tunis
varizvaricose vein
vejezold age; oldness; peevishness of old age; platitude; old history
velozfast; quick; swift; fleet; rapid
veztime; turn; stead; place; una vez: once; dos veces: twice; en vez de: instead of
vozvoice; shout; rumour; rumor; word; term; vote; rumour; public opinion

PDF download: Spanish words that end in z

Posted by lubw00 at February 12, 2007 05:13 AM
