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February 21, 2007

Spanish nouns that change meaning according to gender

Following are a few nouns that change meaning altogether according to their gender. Study and memorize this chart:


Masculine nouns

Feminine nouns

el capital

capital (money)

la capital

capital (city)

el coma


la coma


el corte


la corte


el cura


la cura


el orden

order (sequence, arrangement)

la orden

order (command, religious order)

el papa


la papa


el policía

police officer

la policía

police department

PDF download: Spanish nouns that change meaning according to gender

Posted by lubw00 at 08:00 PM | Comments (0)

February 20, 2007

The Most Common Spanish Words

In this post we are going to go over the most common Spanish words. These include Spanish articles, Spanish conjunctions, Spanish prepositions, Spanish adverbs, and Spanish adjectives. We are going to visit the bigger pieces (pronouns, nouns, verb, and more adjectives/adverbs) in later posts.

el m. the
la f. the

los m. the
las f. the

a to, at
al to the, at the (= a el)

de of, from, by
del of the, from the, by the (= de al)

un m. a, an, one
una f. a, an, one
uno m. a, an, one
unos m. some, a few
unas f. some, a few

cada each
que that, than
y and
o or
como as, like
pero but
si if
porque because
cuando when
ni nor, neither
donde where
e and
aunque although, even though
sino but, except
mientras while
en in, on, into
sobre about, above, on top of
entre between, among

por through, for (means), along, by
para in order to, for (ends)

con with
sin without

hasta until
desde from, since
durante during, for (time)

contra against
hacia toward
según according to
no no, not

más more
menos less

ya already, now, soon
todavía still, yet

antes before, earlier
ahora now
después after, later

muy very
bien well
sólo (solamente) only
además besides, in addition
casi almost

así so
tan so
entonces then
luego then, later

aquí here
allí there

hoy today
ayer yesterday
mañana tomorrow

siempre always
nunca never

también also, too
tampoco neither, not either

este m. this
esta f. this
estos m. pl. these
estas f. pl. these
esto [neutral] this

ese m. that
esa f. that
esos m. pl. those
esas f. pl. those
eso [neutral] that

todo m. all
toda f. all
todos m. all, everyone
todas f. all, everyone

otro other, another
otra other, another
otros other, others
otras other, others

mismo same
tanto so much, as much

mejor better
mayor bigger, older

poco little (not much)
mucho much

bueno good
gran great
general general
tal such, such a
primera first
alguno some, something
algunos some
ninguno no, none

PDF download: The Most Common Spanish Words

Posted by lubw00 at 11:43 PM | Comments (0)

February 14, 2007

Spanish Words for Love

"Love" as a Spanish noun

* afición (enthusiasm): Tiene afición por las cosas de su tierra. She has a love for the things of her land.
* amado (sweetheart)
* amante (sweetheart)
* amistad (friendship)
* amor (pure love, romantic love)
* caridad (charity)
* cariño/cariña (sweetheart)
* cero (score in tennis): Cero a cero. Love all.
* pasión (passion, not necessarily romantic)
* querido (sweetheart)
* recuerdos (regards): Mándale recuerdos míos. Send him my love.

"Love" as a Spanish verb

* amar (to love, to love romantically): Te amo. I love you.
* encantar (indicating strong like): Me encanto escribir. I love to write.
* gustar mucho (indicating strong like): Me gusta mucho este sofá. I love this sofa.
* querer (to love romantically, to want): Te quiero. I love you.

PDF download: Spanish Words for love

Posted by lubw00 at 01:28 PM | Comments (0)

Spanish Negation and Negative Spanish Pronouns

Spanish negation can be made by placing "no" in front of the verb. For example:
Me gusta el cuarto. (I like the room.)
No me gusta el cuarto. ( I don't like the room.)

Following are some affirmative Spanish words and their usual negative counterparts.

si (yes)
no (no)

algo (something)
nada (nothing)

alguien (somebody)
nadie (nobody)

alguno (some, something)
ninguno (no, none)

siempre (always)
nunca (never)

tambien (also, too)
tampoco (neither, not either)

o ... o ... (either... or ...)
ni ... ni ... (neithr ... nor ...)

These negative Spanish words can be used in front of the verb, just like the example we saw above for "no". Here are more examples:

Nunca estudio en la biblioteca. (I never study in that library.)
Nadie canta como ellos. (Nobody sings like them.)

These Spanish words can also follow the verb when used with "no". Note that unlike English, double negations are common in Spanish.

No vamos a comer nada. (We're not going to eat anything.)
No vi a nadie. (I didn't see anyone.)
No habla nadie. (Nobody speaks.)

PDF download: Spanish Negation and Negative Spanish Pronouns

Posted by lubw00 at 07:29 AM | Comments (0)

February 12, 2007

Spanish words that end in z

Spanish words that end in z are usually nouns or adjectives.

For Spanish nouns that end in z, the "z" will turn into a "c" and followed by "es" in plural forms. For example:
la vez - las veces     (many times)
la voz - las voces    (a lot of voices)
el lápiz - los lápices    (many pencils)
el avestruz - los avestruces  (many ostriches)

Remember Spanish adjectives also have plural forms. The same plural form rule applies for Spanish adjectives that end in z: the "z" will turn into a "c" and followed by "es" in plural forms. For example:
feliz - felices  (happy)
capaz - capaces (capable)
perspicaz - perspicaces (perspicacious)
precoz - precoces (precocious)

Two comprehensive lists of Spanish words that end in z are given below:
Spanish adjectives that end in z
Spanish nouns that end in z

Spanish adjectives that end in z

atrozatrocious; appalling; tremendous; enormous; huge
audazdaring; audacious; bold; impudent; cheeky
capazcapable; able; competent; having room or capacity; capacious; roomy; capable
eficazefficient; efficacious; effective; effectual
falazfalse; deceitful; deceptive; fallacious
felizhappy; fortunate; good; felicitous
ferozferocious; fierce; ravenous
fugazbrief; fleeting; fugacious; fugitive; transitory; estrella fugaz: shooting star
incapazincapable; unable; unfit
ineficazineffective; inefficient; ineffectual
infelizunhappy; unfortunate; wretched; wretch; simple; naive; good-natured
locuaztalkative; loquacious; garrulous
montarazof the woods; wild; untamed; uncouth; rude; forester
mordazcaustic; biting; sharp; acerbic; pungent; acrid; corrosive
perspicazperceptive; keen-sighted; perspicacious
pertinazstubborn; persistent; pertinacious
precozprecocious; early
procazimpudent; brazen; obscene
sagazastute; shrewd; sagacious; keen-scented
soezobscene; rude; coarse; base; vile
suspicazsuspicious; distrustful
tenaztenacious; determined; stubborn; hard to remove; persistent; difficult to get rid of; adhesive; tough
velozfast; quick; swift; fleet; rapid
veraztruthful; veracious
vivazvivacious; lively; sharp; active; vigorous; keen; quick-witted; long-lived
vorazvoracious; greedy; ravenous; destructive; fierce

Spanish nouns that end in z

acidezsharpness; acidity; heartburn
albornozbathrobe; burnoose
alcatrazgannet; cuckoopint; white pelican
altavozloudspeaker; speaker
altivezhaughtiness; arrogance; pride
altramuzlupin; lupine
antifazmask; veil covering the face
aprendiztrainee; apprentice
avidezeagerness; avidity; greed
barnizvarnish; glaze; veneer; smattering
cálizchalice; calyx; cup of sorrow
candideznaturalness; simplicity; whiteness; naïvety
capatazforeman; overseer; steward
carizaspect; look
cervizcervix; neck; nape of the neck
chochezsenility; dotage
cicatrizscar; cicatrice
cozkick from a beast; recoil; butt
cruzcross; burden; tails; withers; dagger; crown
dejadezcarelessness; negligence; laziness; slovenliness; neglect
desfachateznerve; cheek; impudence; brazenness; effrontery
deslizslip; blunder; false step; frailty; indiscretion; sliding; slipping
desnudeznakedness; nudity; bareness
disfrazdisguise; fancy dress; costume; dissimulation; dissembling
doblezfold; crease; ply; cuff; duplicity; deceitfulness
embriaguezintoxication; drunkenness; inebriation
escasezshortage; scarcity; dearth; shortness; stinginess; want; poverty
esplendidezmagnificence; splendour; generosity; lavishness
esquivezdisdain; coldness; gruffness; shyness
estrecheznarrowness; hardship; tightness; strictness; pressure; closeness; intimacy; jam; predicament; penury; poverty
estupidezstupidity; stupid thing
exquisitezexquisiteness; delicacy; excellence
fazface; visage; aspect; obverse
flaccidezflaccidity; flabbiness
fluidezfluidity; fluency; fluidness; flowingness
hazbundle; sheaf; faggot; gavel; beam; pencil; fascicle; face; visage; hacer
hezsediment; dregs; scum
honradezhonesty; probity; integrity; uprightness
hozsickle; gorge; ravine
insensatezfoolishness; stupidity; folly
invalidezdisability; invalidity
juezjudge; justice; official; juez de línea: linesman
languidezlistlessness; disinterest; languor; languidness
lápizpencil; crayon; lápiz de labios: lipstick; lápiz de labios: lipstick
liquidezliquidity; liquidness
lombrizearthworm; lombriz intestinal: roundworm
luzlight; span; luces de cruce: dimmer; dipped headlights
madurezmaturity; ripeness; adulthood; wisdom; prudence
maízmaize; corn; maíz dulce: sweetcorn
matizshade; tint; nuance; hue
matrazflask; matrass
matrizwomb; mould; mold; matrix; stub; counterfoil; stencil; first; main; chief; mother
memezstupid act or remark; silliness; stupidity
meretrizharlot; strumpet
motrizmotor; engine; dynamic force; driving
nariznose; nostril; bouquet; nose-shaped catch for a latch
niñezchildhood; infancy
nitidezclearness; sharpness; neatness; clarity; lack of ambiguity
nuezwalnut; nut; Adam's apple; nuez moscada: nutmeg
ñoñezinsipidness; spinelessness; shyness; bashfulness; fussiness; senility; dotage; inanity; stupid thing; endearment; flattery; whining
ordinariezvulgarity; grossness; coarseness; ordinariness; inferior quality; rude remark
palidezpallor; paleness; wanness
paloduzliquorice; licorice
peladezpoverty; vulgarity; rude word; obscenity
pequeñezsmallness; littleness; childhood; pettiness; meanness; trifle; triviality
perdizpartridge; perdiz blanca: ptamirgan
pesadezheaviness; burdensomeness; tiresomeness; irksomeness; drowsiness; sultriness; slowness; clumsiness; gravity; fullness; bore; pain
pezfish; pitch; tar; pez de colores: goldfish; pez gordo: big shot
placidezplacidness; placidity
pómezpiedra pómez: pumice stone
portavozmegaphone; mouthpiece; spokesman
precozprecocious; early
preñezpregnancy; fullness
raízroot; stem
rapidezspeed; rapidity; quickness; swiftness
regalizliquorice; licorice
ridiculezridiculousness; oddity; eccentricity; pittance; trifle
rigidezrigidity; intolerance
rodríguezgrass widower
rojezredness; reddishness; ruddiness
sandezstupidity; silliness; inanity; foolish or stupid act or remark; piece of nonsense
secuazminion; henchman; follower
sencillezsimplicity; easiness; plainness; unpretentiousness; naturalness
sensatezgood sense; sense; wisdom
solazform of entertainment; form of relaxation; solace; comfort; relief; recreation
solidezsolidity; firmness; strength; soundness; fastness
sordidezsqualor; dirtiness; squalidity; sordidness
tamizsieve; bolter
tartamudezstammer; stutter
tezskin; complexion
timidezshyness; timidness; timorousness
tiranteztightness; tautness; tenseness; tension; strained condition
tozudezstubbornness; obstinacy
trasluzlight seen through a translucent body; gleam; glint; al trasluz: against the light
TúnezTunisia; Tunis
varizvaricose vein
vejezold age; oldness; peevishness of old age; platitude; old history
velozfast; quick; swift; fleet; rapid
veztime; turn; stead; place; una vez: once; dos veces: twice; en vez de: instead of
vozvoice; shout; rumour; rumor; word; term; vote; rumour; public opinion

PDF download: Spanish words that end in z

Posted by lubw00 at 05:13 AM | Comments (0)

February 10, 2007

Days of the Week in Spanish

Following are the days of the week in Spanish.

            lunes            Monday
            martes         Tuesday
            miércoles     Wednesday
            jueves          Thursday
            viernes         Friday
            sábado        Saturday
            domingo      Sunday

 Following are some observations and rules:


PDF download: Days of the Week in Spanish


Posted by lubw00 at 06:36 AM | Comments (0)

February 09, 2007

Common Spanish Greetings

Señor          Sir
Señora        Madam 
Señorita      Miss

Hola           Hi, Hello

Buenos días             Good morning
Buenas tardes         Good afternoon
Buenas noches        Good evening, Good night

Adiós                      Good-bye
Hasta luego            See you later
Hasta la vista         See you later

Por favor                 Please
Perdón                    Sorry, Pardon, Excuse me
Gracias                   Thanks
De nada                  You're welcome
Con mucho gusto    Gladly, My pleasure

¿Cómo estás?           How are you? (informal)
¿Cómo está usted?   How are you? (formal)
¿Qué tal?                 How's going? (informal)

Estoy bien            I am good.
Estoy muy bien    I am great, I am very good

PDF download: Common Spanish Greetings

Posted by lubw00 at 05:13 AM | Comments (0)

February 08, 2007

1001 Most Useful Spanish Words

1001 Most Useful Spanish Words


This is one of Seymour Resnick's 20 some books on learning Spanish and French (the author died on Jan 14, 2007 according to one post on Amazon.com). It is actually a small dictionary of commonly used Spanish words. It is a helpful librito for anyone trying to build up his/her Spanish vocabulary.

There are 1001 Spanish words for this booklet, as the title says. Each Spanish word is followed by its concise English translation. An example Spanish sentence is then shown for the Spanish word. An English translation is then given for the Spanish sentence.

In general, "1001 Most Useful Spanish Words" is a good book to have. Recommended. 

Buy 1001 Most Useful Spanish Words
Read More about "1001 Most Useful Spanish Words"

= libro (book) + ito (diminutive suffix) = booklet;

Other examples:
poco (little) + ito = pocito (a little bit);
minuto (minute) + ito = minutito (a little while).

Posted by lubw00 at 03:43 AM | Comments (0)

February 06, 2007

Ser vs Estar

There are two 'to be' verbs in Spanish, ser and estar. Ser is used to describe the nature and characteristics of something (permanent). Estar is used to describe the current state of something (temporal).

Estar is also used to to when describing location.

PDF download: Ser vs Estar

Posted by lubw00 at 06:00 AM | Comments (0)

February 05, 2007

Plural forms of Spanish adjectives

In English adjectives have no plural forms. However, in Spanish it is different. Adjectives must be made plural when describing a plural noun. For example:

(singular) El muchacho es aplicado.(The boy is diligent.)
(plural) Los muchachos es aplicados. (The boys are diligent.)

(singular) La muchacha es simpática.(The girl is nice.)
(plural) Las muchachos es simpáticas. (The girls are nice.)

The plural of adjectives, like the plural of nouns, is formed by adding -s if the adjective ends in a vowel, or -es if the adjective ends in a consonant.

(singular) simpática (nice)
(plural) simpáticas (nice)

(singular) azul (blue)
(plural) azules (blue)

Related article: Plural forms of Spanish nouns

PDF download: Plural forms of Spanish adjectives

Posted by lubw00 at 05:38 AM | Comments (0)

February 04, 2007

Spanish Numbers from one to one million

Following are Spanish numbers from one to one million.

1     uno
2     dos
3     tres
4     cuatro
5     cinco
6     seis
7     siete
8     ocho
9     nueve
10     diez
11     once
12     doce
13     trece
14     catorce
15     quince
16     diez y seis (dieciséis)
17     diez y siete (diecisiete)
18     diez y ocho (dieciocho)
19     diez y nueve (diecinueve)
20     veinte
21    veinte y uno
22    veinte y dos
23    veintie y res
30    treinta
31    treinta y uno
32    treinta y dos
40    cuarenta
50    cincuenta
60    sesenta
70    setenta
80    ochenta
90    noventa
100    cien, ciento
101    ciento uno
102    ciento dos
200    doscientos
300    trescientos
400    cuatrocientos
500    quinientos
600    seiscientos
700    setecientos
800    ochocientos
900    novecientos
1000    mil
2000    dos mil
100,000    cien mil
1,000,000 un millón

Note that there are two forms for numbers from 16 to 19 (and 21 to 29, not shown here) have two written forms, however the pronunciations are the same for the two forms. The numbers above 30 are spelled as three words but pronounced as one word. The ay combination (treinta y uno) sounds like I sound as in "I like it".

PDF download: Spanish Numbers from one to one million

Posted by lubw00 at 02:25 AM | Comments (0)

February 03, 2007

Masculine vs Feminine Spanish Nouns II

Following are more rules that might help you determine the gender of some nouns:

  1. Nouns ending in -dad, -tad, -tud, -umbre, -ción and -sión are generally feminine:
    la ciudad (city)
    la universidad (university)

    la libertad
    la dificultad (difficulty)

    la actitud
    la gratitud (gratitude)

    la certidumbre
    la muchedumbre (crowd)

    la nación
    la construcción (construction)

    la televisión
    la decisión (decision)
  2. Masculine nouns that end in a consonant often have a corresponding feminine form that ends in -a:
    el profesor - la profesora (teacher)
    el doctor - la doctora (doctor)
    el señor - la señora (Mr, Mrs)
  3. Four of the nouns ending in -a are masculine and must be memorized.
    el día   (day)
    el mapa   (map)
    el planeta   (planet)
    el sofá  (sofa)
  4. A few nouns ending in -o are feminine.
    la mano (hand)
    la radio (radio)

PDF download: Masculine vs Feminine Spanish Nouns II

Posted by lubw00 at 01:57 AM | Comments (0)